1. What obstacle is your character facing? Again, keep it focused on the person you are speaking to.
My character is facing losing his father and needing to take over their family business. He is young and unsure whether he is ready or not to take on the responsibilities and while also concerned that his father is in denial of his condition. His father most likely has lung cancer, but will not see a doctor and is certain that prayers and staying active will heal him in time.
2. What will be the consequence if your character does not get what they want? What is at stake?
If my character does not convince his father enough to get the help he needs, it is likely that he will lost his father and have to take over the ranch. He feels that he needs the support and teachings of his father to do so and is not yet ready for another loss. He hopes that praying for his mothers help from heaven can help get to his fathers head, as his last resort.
Just lovely Max. You have continued to make your character's world rich and detailed. I feel like you created a role that both gave you challenges to meet but also a lot of connections to your own personal outlook to draw from. Thank you for this lovely work so far.