1. What obstacle is your character facing? Again, keep it focused on the person you are speaking to. 3 sentences
The obstacle that my character faces is her attachment to her past. She has a lot of unprocessed grief that is holding her back from living her life and making new emotional connections. She wants to go on a successful date with the person that she is now with, but she can't seem to get her mind off of the past.
2. What will be the consequence if your character does not get what they want? What is at stake? 3 sentences.
If my character does not get what she wants the consequence will be a bad date. She risks losing the interest of the new person she is with, and potentially having them think of her differently. Even more so, her new relationship is at stake if she can't move on from what's holding her back.
Lovely Jillian. I am really impressed by the way you are digging into the emotional depths of this poor character. You have really put some great elements together to create something that is very human but also so very specific. Thank you for your work on this. 💙