Using online resources, students will create weekly videos and posts to apply the acting tools learned in the first half of the semester.
The goal of our course will be to keep students engaged with performance tools.
Students will:
· Write Journal Entries to apply their understanding of acting tools to pre-existing pieces.
· Create a short monologue using writing prompts and acting tools.
Attendance is now based on your participation on our Virtual Classroom. Each week, you will be asked to create a written post and a video post. Each individual post serves as a “class” you have attended. To “attend” the two classes a week, you will complete two posts by Monday at 11:59 pm.
If you do not complete one of the weekly posts on time, that counts as one absence.
Your absences from the first half of the semester will still carry over.
You are allowed 3 absences, after which your grade drops for each additional absence. Six (6) absences or more will result in your failure of this course.
You can – and Should! – turn in assignments even if they are late. If you miss the Monday 11:59 deadline for an assignment, do still turn it in! I will grade late assignments. It will just be like missing a class. It happens. It’s ok. Just like missing class, try not to let it happen a lot, or it will impact your grade. Life is a little different right now and we are all dealing with different things.
I want you to keep up with the class, but I am not here to make your life more difficult. Do your best to keep up. If you fall behind a little, do your best to catch up.
*4 Journal Entries
We are still doing journal entries but I am no longer asking for them to be 2 pages. Instead, they are more like Essay Questions. Each question will also tell you how many sentences the answer should be. The hope is to make these journal entries easier for you.
Journals are to be posted on our Virtual Classroom as Posts under the appropriate Discussion Thread. Please do not email them.
#1- Personal Given Circumstances – Already completed!
#2- Play Report – Read one of the 4 selected plays and answer the questions posted on March 24th.
#3- Production Report- Choose one of the professional production options given to you (Ship, Online Mad Deep Dish, Online Cyrano, Online Musical) and answer the questions posted. Questions will be posted April 7th.
#4- Final Exam- Answer the questions posted online April 28th.
*Watch Theater performances- You can use Ship, Online Mad Deep Dish, Online Cyrano, or the Online Musical. You now only need to do ONE of these.
*One Midterm Short Scene- You already did this!
*One Final Monologue- 90 seconds(ish) monologue recorded and posted on our Virtual Classroom. You will be asked to write this monologue based on weekly writing prompts. The goal of the monologue is to show your use of the acting tools we learned in the first half of the semester. Your monologue can be longer than 90 seconds if you like.
I want you to succeed and feel good about what you make. What is most important to me is that you use the weekly prompts and the acting tools. If your monologue is a little short, ok! If it is no completely memorized, you will still pass. Just do you best; that is all I ask.
You will be graded not just on the end result, but your work and progress in the coming weeks. This means completing the weekly video posts.
*Classroom Participation – Participation is still the most important part of this class. You get an A in participation by doing these things:
· Posting the weekly text and video assignments.
· Commenting on you fellow student’s posts and videos as your Chabot VirtualProff will ask you to do.
· Responding to questions and comments that I leave you on your own posts.
Written Journal Entries: 20% (5% each)
Mid Term Performance work: 15%
Final Scene Performance work: 25%
Participation and In-class Work: 40%
Academic Integrity
This Virtual Classroom is for our class only. You should feel safe sharing. You should also take care of each other’s work. Sharing another student’s work outside of our Virtual Classroom is strictly prohibited. Do not photograph or record or share anyone else’s work. Doing so will result in immediate failure of the course as well as being reported to the Academic Integrity Office for Plagiarism and/or Harassment.